Re: [Banshee-List] Please ship an AppData file upstream

Hi Richard,

On 30/09/13 11:08, Richard Hughes wrote:
Hi all,

Fedora users and deveolpers have written several AppData [1] file
which is used for showing screenshots and descriptions in various
software centers such as GNOME Software which we are previewing in
Fedora 20. One of those files is for Banshee, which is why I'm writing
to your mailing list.

The extra appdata files are stored here for,
but we've love these files to be included upstream and installed in
/usr/share/appdata, which means all the other Linux distributions
other than Fedora can use this data themselves. Also, if the file is
upstream you can change the description, screenshots and homepage as
much as you like as your application evolves.

Similarly, if you have something like intltool set up, you can
translate the AppData file which is really awesome for people using
the software center that can't use en_US as a locale.

I just committed an AppData file upstream (master and stable-2.6 branch, which means it will be available in 2.9.0 and 2.6.2 when they are released, although not sure when will that happen; 2.9.0 potentially very soon, but we'll likely wait a bit more for a 2.6.2, especially to leave time to translators to update their work to include the appdata strings).

If you've got any problems, concerns or any other questions please
don't hesitate to contact me. If replying to this email on the mailing
list, please keep me cc'd as I'm not subscribed.

I've got a problem with the validation tool, which I filed here[2] (hope it was the right place). Feedback and hints to troubleshoot appreciated.

Also, I have two questions:
- I've named the file banshee.appdata.xml given that our desktop file is simply banshee.desktop, should I rename it to gnome-banshee.appdata.xml like it is in your fedora-appstream/ folder? - I've seen in the tag <project_group> documentation that it is required to use GNOME infrastructure *and* policies: we generally do for the former, but wrt the latter I guess we're lagging a bit behind lately because we have big architectural changes (i.e. GTK3 migration) which makes it harder for us to commit to any release dates now. I hope this is not strict and I can add this to ours? BTW, does gnome have a policy about string freezes in stable branches? (If yes, I just violated it cherrypicking the appdata inclusion...)




> [1]

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