Re: [Banshee-List] UI update issues

Here is the log, with a picture:

The picture shows the status after I started playing track 6, then it
moved to track 6, currently playing track 7.


On Sat, 2013-05-25 at 19:01 +0100, IBBoard wrote:
I assume, based on your description, that the songs still play, but that 
it is just the progress that isn't shown?

Try running "banshee --debug > banshee-ui-update.log 2>&1" at the 
command-line and then attaching the file to an email. "--debug" makes 
Banshee output additional debug information, and the two ">"s redirect 
both normal and error output to a file. It might not give us everything, 
but it might give some hints about what is happening.

On 25/05/13 11:00, Nicolas WILL wrote:

I've been seeing a lot of UI update issues lately on Banshee.

The progress bar is at zero, time is at zero, the currently playing song
title is at 00:00, the currently played song is not updated on the

I'm on 2.6.1, up-to-date Ubuntu 13.04 64bit, Gnome 3.8, probably a
fairly large library (15k+ songs), few extensions are turned on.

I've tried a clean restart by deleting the .cache and .config banshee-1
directories and re-importing the library.

What can I do and provide to help debug this?


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