Re: [Banshee-List] Bitrate field blank for ALAC files

On 21/05/2013 09:44, Alucai Vivorvel wrote:
Hello, I am using Banshee 2.6.1, the latest version available in Ubuntu
13.04's repositories, and I have recently added a ton of ALAC format songs.
I noticed that none of these files show a bitrate in said column and, upon
clicking Properties of one of the songs, the bitrate is reported to be 0
KB/s. The songs themselves play fine but this is a very important issue to
me, as I find a peace of mind when I can see the quality of my songs.
Is this a known bug or specific to my install? Because this has happened to
me before, and I just installed Banshee after installing Ubuntu again for
the longest time.

Isn't ALAC supposed to be lossless? Why would the bitrate tell you anything
about quality?

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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