On Wednesday den 3. October 2012 at 17.19, Bertrand Lorentz wrote:
We are happy to announce the release of Banshee 2.6, which is theculmination of six months' work by 15 developers, 30 translators anddozens of bug reporters and testers. It is a stable release, thesuccessor to Banshee 2.4.Release notes: http://banshee.fm/download/archives/2-6-0/Download: http://banshee.fm/download/Source:Mac OS X binary:A Windows installer will be made available later on.Thanks to everybody who helped make it happen!--Bertrand Lorentz_______________________________________________banshee-list mailing listhttps://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/banshee-list (unsubscribe here)