Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee 2.4.1 released!

Am 01.06.2012, 17:02 Uhr, schrieb Seán Sloane <urbanmad gmail com>:

Are there any updated build instructions for Mac OS?

Yes, I've just put up-to-date build instructions on my GSoC page at gnome live:

However I should mention that also you can build on Snow Leopard, due to a bug in gtk-quartz banshee will crash upon startup on 10.6. So for now, you have to be on 10.7 Lion to run banshee.

There are some glitches in creating a ready-made app bundle right now, so you need to be patient for a pre-rolled .app until next week.

You can also follow my blog on where I put reports about the OS X progress here:


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