[Banshee-List] Banshee Community Extensions 2.4 released!

Hi everybody !

I'm pleased to announce that Banshee Community Extension 2.4.0 was
just released. This is a stable release, and is compatible with
Banshee 2.4.0.

New extensions since 2.2.0:
* FolderSync: Copy and synchronize tracks from playlists into specified folders

Enhancements since 2.2.0:
* AlbumArtWriter: Allow forcing a copy of the album art into the album folders
* AlbumArtWriter: Add configuration of the name and the type of the image file
* DuplicateSongDetector: Use a more aggressive algorithm for detecting

Notable bugs fixed since 2.2.0:
* DuplicateSongDetector: Fix bug causing the window to be blank
* Karaoke: Don't change the visual style of the lyrics
* Karaoke: Disable keybindings in the context pane
* LiveRadio: Fix crash when updating the genre list
* LiveRadio: Disable non-functional plugins: shoutcast, magnatune, realradios
* LiveRadio: Fix crash when live365 session stream cannot be retrieved
* LiveRadio: Fix crash when clicking multiple genres quickly (bgo#662794)
* Lyrics: Use HTTP proxy management provided by Banshee (bgo#664710)
* Telepathy: Fix dllmap for cross-architecture support

Download : http://download.banshee.fm/banshee-community-extensions/2.4.0/
Write extensions : http://banshee.fm/contribute/write-extensions/

The following people directly contributed to the release of this
version, with code or documentation :
Alexander Kojevnikov, Bertrand Lorentz, Chow Loong Jin, Frank Ziegler,
Kevin Anthony, Timo Dörr

Thanks to everyone involved !

Bertrand Lorentz

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