Re: [Banshee-List] backing up Banshee to another hard disk drive

On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 08:11:08 -0700 (PDT), Dave <dreid38 cox net> wrote:
I did look at FAQ and did a search on the forum but did not get a hit or
maybe I did the procedure wrong.

Can I just copy the music folder over to another hard disk drive or is there
a better way to back up Banshee multiple times.

also where is the folder location specified in Banshee so I can point it to
the back up folder if needed.

Thanks for the help. My first time to use Banshee or anything like it. Am putting my extensive CD collection on it. Plan to get a Sansa music player
so I can use the entire collection on my truck radio.

Dave, Maybe it would help if you gave some details on exactly what it is you're trying to do. If you're moving your music library to a different location, this is set in the Banshee preferences in the Tools menu. If you're backing up your music, there's no need to configure this in Banshee, and AFAIK Banshee doesn't have a setting for a backup music library. Or maybe I don't understand what you are setting out to do at this point.


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