Re: [Banshee-List] How to get Banshee the Update Alum Art Work.

On 02/10/2011 18:25, jimmckenzie earthlink net wrote:
> I wrote a while back to ask this and lost the print out of how to do this. I
> need to tell Banshee to update Album Cover Art for the Command line and I
> can't remember the command. I've tried googing for it (a complete waste of
> time) please tell me the syntax is.

I'm assuming you want to automate something here, because it's much easier to
just drag-drop your new album art into Banshee, or to just right click on the
album art and click "Choose new album art".

Banshee stores its album art in ~/.cache/media-art. The file name of the album
art image of the currently playing track can be derived from: `banshee
--query-all | grep ^artwork-id`. Just add .jpg extension to it.

Alternatively you can get the artwork id directly from
~/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db via "select artworkid from corealbums where
<insert filter here>", e.g.:

sqlite> select artworkid from corealbums inner join coreartists on
(corealbums.artistid = coreartists.artistid) where = "Itou
Kanako" and corealbums.title = "Hacking to the Gate";

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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