On 10/09/2010 01:26 PM, Michael Martin-Smucker wrote: I'm not positive on the inner workings of the "rebuild database" option, but from experience, I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to sync it with iTunes again unless you restore it in iTunes first. Really this isn't a terrible thing, because it probably isn't a great idea to try to manage your iPod with iTunes and Banshee at the same time; you'll just have to pick one or the other. The good news is, it won't do anything irreversible. If for some reason you need to use iTunes again, you can always let iTunes restore the iPod. Thanks for the reply. In truth I've been working with GtkPod for a few days and have found it not so difficult to use but Banshee seems to be more like iTunes and therefore more agreeable to use. The warning of messing up the database had me concerned. I messed up my iPod's playlists using GtkPod (late at night) but the re-syncing using iTunes took a long time but it restored the iPod to what I had on it. Do I assume correctly that even if Banshee messes up the database that I can reconnect it to iTunes and that'll restore the iPod to way it was before the trouble? Thanks, again, for the help.