Re: [Banshee-List] Genre view and songbird import

Dear Dave and Michael,

many thanks for your help, indeed the bug was what I'm looking for!

Thanks again for the really fast response!

best wishes,

---- On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 04:15:30 +0200 Michael Martin-Smucker <mlmartin13 gmail com> wrote ----

I have a feeling that if you're looking for a Genre column in the browser, you're actually looking for this bug:

There's a patch there, which might still work if you want a genre column, but I make no promises.  Really, adding a genre column is part of the larger goal to let users pick and choose which criteria show up in the browser.  To follow that progress, CC yourself to:

If you don't want to build from source just so you can apply a patch that may or may not work, no one would hold it against you.  :)  In the meantime, you can work around the lack of a genre filter by using Banshee's advanced searching options.  Find more here:


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Dave <lemonsforlemonade gmail com> wrote:
Hi Sascha, in the latest 1.5.6 (and indeed, in all the other versions I have used) I'm able to right click on one of the columns and I can select and deselect what I want shown. Genre is among them. Is this what you mean?

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 6:52 PM, Alex Eickmann <overjoyed zoho com> wrote:
Dear all,

is it possible to view in the browser not only album and artist, but also the genre? I also want permanently switch to Banshee but wish to import my ratings etc. from songbird. The option from songbird is available, but I haven't found anything if i could import to Banshee itself.

Thank you for this unique program and your help!

best wishes,

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