Re: [Banshee-List] (no subject)

It's hard to know if you're doing it wrong unless we know how you're doing it in the first place. ;-)  Answering some questions will help us help you:

What kind of mp3 player is it?
What version of Banshee are you using?
What operating system or distro are you using?
What happens when you plug your device into your computer?  Is the device found?  Can other media players (like Rhythmbox) add music to the device?

I don't know much about using devices (other than iPods) with Banshee, but if you answer these questions, I'm sure someone here will be able to help you. 

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Ian Schrauth <ianschrauth sbcglobal net> wrote:
i have a question

i am usind banshee player and i cant sync my music to my mp3 player. how do i do it? am i dooing it wrong?

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