Re: [Banshee-List] Moving Cubano to BCE and thoughts about the future of Banshee

2010/3/12 Alexander Kojevnikov <alexander kojevnikov com>
On 12 March 2010 04:37, David Nielsen <gnomeuser gmail com> wrote:
> Cubano is one of the features that got us a lot of good press a while ago,
> but it has since vanished from sight. I think now that the BCE is off to
> such a successful start it might be a good time to move that ambitious
> project to BCE in the hopes of gaining it some new life and renewed
> excitement.

Great idea! This would also make a terrific GSoC project ;)

Ah to think it's awesome time again, GSoC is like Christmas. Speaking of which we still appear not to have merged much of the work from last years SoC, Telepathy Banshee is still not ready for mainstream inclusion, Mikes awesome Podcast work seems to have stopped and Mike himself disappeared. I think there is room for improvement in how we handle SoC participate, ideas?

- David

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