Re: [Banshee-List] Terrible Memory Leak

Actually, it just keeps growing and growing with playback, whether ReplayGain is enabled or not.

Started at 6% of my 4GB of RAM, now at 20% after 2 minutes of playback.

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Alexander Kojevnikov <alexander kojevnikov com> wrote:
On 11 December 2010 23:01, Brett Alton <brett jr alton gmail com> wrote:
> Instead of posting an infuriating e-mail about how Banshee takes over my 4GB
> of RAM and then into my swap, I'd like to simply ask "What can I do to help
> Banshee?"
> I'm looking to be able to track _WHY_ my installation is eating up my RAM so
> I can start using Banshee and enjoying my music, let alone helping Banshee
> and other users.
> Please advise on what my next steps are. I'm an undergrad in computer
> science so don't be gentle.
> To kick it off, I'm using Banshee 1.8.0-2ubuntu1~maverick2 in Ubuntu 10.10.

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Brett Alton

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