Re: [Banshee-List] Radio Station Recognition

If I register a radio station in Banshee and begin playback by clicking on a link in a web browser, if that link matches (a radio station I register in Banshee), it'd be nice if Banshee would display that station name as it does if I began its playback from Banshee's radio UI instead.

Gabriel Burt wrote:
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 6:45 AM, ScottMSanders <scottsanders wcoil com> wrote:
Anyway it'd be cool if radio stations I register in Banshee are recognized
as such when I load them via a web browser, so that the station name appears
in Now Playing -- not a big deal by any means but would be nice.

I'm not understanding what you want.  You've added some stations to
the Radio source?  What do you mean "load them via a web browser"?

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