[Banshee-List] Scrobble without NetworkManager?

I've just noticed that since I moved to Banshee my tracks haven't been
scrobbled on Last.fm. My account information is correct and I've set it
to scrobble tracks, but I've just run Banshee with --debug and found the
following messages from when I entered my username and password again:

[Debug 19:09:47.396] Last.fm State Changed to NoNetwork
[Debug 19:09:47.661] Last.fm State Changed to Disconnected
[Debug 19:09:47.664] Last.fm State Changed to NoNetwork

I run openSuse 11.1 and Banshee 1.4.3 from their repos. I don't use
Network Manager (I'm on a desktop with a wired connection) so at the
start Banshee outputs:

[Warn  19:04:12.878] Cannot connect to NetworkManager - An available,
working network connection will be assumed

Is there a simple way to get things scrobbling, or is the assumption of
a working network connection not used in the Last.fm plugin and so it
isn't scrobbling because it can't get hold of Network Manager?



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