Re: [Banshee-List] Music Library Pane Gets Bigger and Bigger

On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 20:04 +0200, David Nielsen wrote:
> 2009/5/4 Apostate <apostate diebruecke us>
>         ....with each restart. I am on Ubuntu 9.04. If I quit Banshee
>         completely, and
>         then restart it, the Library pane is unusually large. If I
>         repeat this
>         without dragging it back in, it will eventually force the
>         right-most pane
>         right off the screen!
>         Anyone else seeing this?
> I can confirm this, it is annoying but not fatal. It started with
> 1.4.2 I believe. 

If you're using the recommmendations, it might be this bug, which is fixed in git master :

If not, please file a new bug.


Bertrand Lorentz <bertrand lorentz gmail com>
> <

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