Re: [Banshee-List] Heavy memory leaks

On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 10:01:55 +0100
Dekar <Dekar wc3edit net> wrote:

> I think that happens when I watch podcasts. Banshee starts eating more
> memory than a small memory eating animal... As a result I have to
> restart it like once a day. Without Banshee my system never swaps. I
> use the launchpad Banshee-Team version on Intrepid.

I logged a bug about banshee leaking threads.  It seems to be something
specific to the computer I use a work, because I can't reproduce it at home,
and neither could the banshee developers who investigated.  Could this be the
same thing?

You can see how many threads are running in a given process by running

ps -L -p pid


tartarus:~> ps -L -p 7801
7801  7801 ?        00:00:06 banshee-1
7801  7815 ?        00:00:00 mono
7801  7816 ?        00:00:00 mono
7801  7867 ?        00:00:00 banshee-1
7801  7901 ?        00:00:00 banshee-1
7801  7902 ?        00:00:00 banshee-1
7801  7903 ?        00:00:00 banshee-1
7801  7929 ?        00:00:00 banshee-1
7801  7930 ?        00:00:00 banshee-1
7801  7931 ?        00:00:00 banshee-1


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