From: Christopher James Halse Rogers <chalserogers gmail com>
Subject: Re: [Banshee-List] Smooth (kinetic) scroll enabled by default
To: banshee-list gnome org
Date: Sunday, January 25, 2009, 7:51 PM
On Sun, 2009-01-25 at 21:33 +0000, Ivan N. Zlatev wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 7:43 PM, Gabriel Burt
<gabriel burt gmail com>
> wrote:
> Hi Banshees,
> I just enabled smooth scroll in trunk by default. You used to
> be able
> to enable it with --smooth-scroll; now you can disable it with
--no-smooth-scroll. You'll notice the difference when you use
> the
> mouse wheel to scroll - if you click the scroll arrows or drag
> the
> scrollbar, it jumps immediately as it did before.
> The algorithm can certainly be tweaked; feel free to adjust
> it in
> src/Libraries/Hyena.Gui/Hyena.Widgets/SmoothScrolledWindow.cs
> and file
> bugs with patches.
> Note that this only applies to our ListView widgets
> (track/artist/album etc lists, not the source list) - though
> you might
> be able to rework SmoothScrolledWindow into a
> SmoothScrollAdapter
> class that can modify the behavior of any widget with an
> Adjustment
> and a ScrollEvent; that would be very cool.
My first impressions:
> 1) It's slow and gives a laggy/flickery impression/feeling. I am using
> the mouse wheel
> 2) It's a resource hog and utilizes 80 to 100% CPU (40% banshee-1 and
> 40% X) on a fast machine (c2d, 4gb ram, etc).
It's pretty dependent on the 2d acceleration provided by your video
driver. For me it's much smoother with the nouveau drivers than the
proprietary nvidia driver, due to the superior 2D. Nvidia drivers
before the 180 series are likely to be particularly bad at this.
Not only is it shiny, sugary UI, I also find it somewhat useful when
browsing to see the various album covers flowing past.
banshee-list mailing list
banshee-list gnome org
Works beautifully with Jaunty 64 bit proprietary Nvidia drivers 180.22. I notice
minimal CPU usage
if any. Very nice feature.