[Banshee-List] iPod sync problem

I'm using the new 1.4.2 on Hardy.  I sync my music library with my iPod
classic, and, in the left tab, the number of songs on both the music
library and iPod are the same.  I then eject the iPod, disconnect, and
reconnect, and several albums are missing from the iPod.  Manually
transferring one of these missing albums to the iPod with debugging
enabled results in the successful transcodings of the songs, and then:

[Warn  15:23:35.295] Failed to save iPod database - Argument is out of
Parameter name: Length is less than 0 (in `mscorlib')
  at System.IO.FileStream.SetLength (Int64 length) [0x00000]
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.SaveThumbnails
(System.Collections.Generic.List`1 existingNames,
System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newNames,
System.Collections.Generic.List`1 removedNames, IPod.ArtworkFormat
format) [0x001ca] in
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.SaveThumbnails () [0x0009d] in
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.Save () [0x0003a] in
Failed to save database (in `ipod-sharp')
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.Save () [0x001ab] in
  at IPod.TrackDatabase.Save () [0x0026c] in
Failed to save database (in `ipod-sharp')
  at IPod.TrackDatabase.Save () [0x00391] in
  at IPod.Device.Save () [0x0000b] in
  at Banshee.Dap.Ipod.IpodSource.PerformSyncThreadCycle () [0x002dc] in

[Warn  15:23:44.155] Failed to save iPod database - Object reference not
set to an instance of an object (in `ipod-sharp')
  at IPod.ImageNameRecord.SetData (System.IO.Stream stream,
System.Byte[] data, Int32 offset) [0x00020] in
  at IPod.ImageNameRecord.SetData (System.IO.Stream stream,
System.Byte[] data) [0x00000] in
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.SaveThumbnails
(System.Collections.Generic.List`1 existingNames,
System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newNames,
System.Collections.Generic.List`1 removedNames, IPod.ArtworkFormat
format) [0x00142] in
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.SaveThumbnails () [0x0009d] in
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.Save () [0x0003a] in
Failed to save database (in `ipod-sharp')
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.Save () [0x001ab] in
  at IPod.TrackDatabase.Save () [0x0026c] in
Failed to save database (in `ipod-sharp')
  at IPod.TrackDatabase.Save () [0x00391] in
  at IPod.Device.Save () [0x0000b] in
  at Banshee.Dap.Ipod.IpodSource.PerformSyncThreadCycle () [0x002dc] in

[Warn  15:24:11.552] Failed to save iPod database - Object reference not
set to an instance of an object (in `ipod-sharp')
  at IPod.ImageNameRecord.SetData (System.IO.Stream stream,
System.Byte[] data, Int32 offset) [0x00020] in
  at IPod.ImageNameRecord.SetData (System.IO.Stream stream,
System.Byte[] data) [0x00000] in
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.SaveThumbnails
(System.Collections.Generic.List`1 existingNames,
System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newNames,
System.Collections.Generic.List`1 removedNames, IPod.ArtworkFormat
format) [0x00142] in
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.SaveThumbnails () [0x0009d] in
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.Save () [0x0003a] in
Failed to save database (in `ipod-sharp')
  at IPod.PhotoDatabase.Save () [0x001ab] in
  at IPod.TrackDatabase.Save () [0x0026c] in
Failed to save database (in `ipod-sharp')
  at IPod.TrackDatabase.Save () [0x00391] in
  at IPod.Device.Save () [0x0000b] in
  at Banshee.Dap.Ipod.IpodSource.PerformSyncThreadCycle () [0x002dc] in

I can file this as a bug report, unless it's a known issue or there is
something else I'm overlooking.  (I have a separate svn version for
which I did not "make install", but only "make run", if that makes any
difference -- probably not.)

Todd Wilson

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