Re: [Banshee-List] Caching of song lyrics

On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 09:21 -0800, Todd Wilson wrote:
> I was listening to a song with the lyrics plugin active, and noticed
> that the downloaded lyrics were missing several stanzas from the song.
> I went to and fixed the lyrics, but Banshee keeps
> giving me the cached copy.  How can I get Banshee to download the new
> version?  Should there be a refresh button on the lyrics window?
> Todd Wilson
> _______________________________________________
> banshee-list mailing list
> banshee-list gnome org
Right click on the lyrics, and click refresh. It wasn't very obvious
though. Why don't you file an enhancement request regarding the refresh
button issue?
Chow Loong Jin

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