Re: [Banshee-List] Crash when playing back any video

2009/12/3 Ingo Ratsdorf <ingo envirology co nz>

Have installed Banshee on Ubuntu Karmic and it plays back all audio files and
even downloads all my podcasts. But what it does not do at all is playing
any video. All other video players work fine, like SMPlayer or VLC.
When I click on a video in Banshee to play it, I get a black screen with a
movie icon and the title and it crashes either as soon as move the mouse or
after about four seconds, whatever comes first.
I started banshee in a console window in the hope to get some type of
This is what I got:
ingo ingo-laptop:~$ banshee
[Info  22:18:50.809] Running Banshee 1.5.1: [Ubuntu karmic (development
branch) (linux-gnu, i486) @ 2009-10-19 14:46:07 UTC]
Mirage - Open DB -
Mirage - Database version 3 is up to date
[Info  22:18:53.032] All services are started 1.954736s
[Info  22:18:55.042] GNOME screensaver service not found
[Info  22:18:55.782] nereid Client Started
Banshee: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server
ingo ingo-laptop:~$
Any ideas?

I've been looking for confirmation for this one for a while.

Now I know it's not just the Mono implementations in Fedora and Foresight (both are a bit unloved and non-standard whereas Ubuntu/Debian has a kickass Mono team).

Thank you.

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