Re: [Banshee-List] feature request: Album-artists based media browser sorting, multiple Artist support on song.

2009/8/22 rainyday <aminfaiz gmail com>:
> Right now the browser only supports browsing by "Artist". this creates
> problem if one have compilation albums (albums with multiple artists). they
> are usually placed under "Various Artists" as "Album Artists". in current
> browser mode "Various Artists" doesn't show up. instead it creates a lot of
> artists from the compilation album with only 1 or 2 songs. This can be
> solved by allowing browser to sort by "Album Artists" and if the field is
> blank then look for "Artist". Players like winamp, itune, windows media
> player, mediamonkey, etc, and hardware music players (ipod etc)  can already
> do that so i think about time for banshee to do the same.
> it would also be nice if the browser sorting fields can be customized so
> that users can choose what way to sort (for example sort by year, genre,
> etc)


> another problem in banshee is that it doesn't support multiple artists in a
> song. if a song has multiple names as "Artist" then banshee treats them
> whole a new artist (even if they are separated by comma, semi-colon etc).
> ID3 tag spec supports multiple artists separated by comma i think.


Patches are welcome ;)

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