Re: [Banshee-List] New Track Editor

Perhaps a stupid question, but where can I get 1.3.0?  SVN only?  I
understand nightlies would not be on something like a PPA (and should not
be), but is there any possibility of having a repository for "development
releases" (assuming that this is what the odd numbers indicate)?  I would
love to test these builds, but don't feel like dealing with SVN.

Aaron Bockover wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been working on the new track editor for quite some time. I turned
> the new one on by default shortly after we released 1.3.0 last week. I
> just committed the support to actually save tracks. This means the new
> editor should be fully usable (or at least functional) and I'm looking for
> people to test it and provide feedback. 
> There are still a few unimplemented features, namely auto-ordering of
> track and disc indexes and counts. Those will land soon. I'd appreciate
> general input into the design and usability of the dialog, general
> defects/bugs, and ideas for enhancements.
> Speaking of enhancements - the new editor is extensible. Extensions can
> easily add new pages to the editor. This is a hint for those of you
> looking to develop new features!
> The new editor lives in the Banshee.Gui.TrackEditor namespace, in the
> ThickClient assembly [1]. Implementing ITrackEditorPage and adding the
> necessary blurb to an extension addin manifest [2] will do the trick. All
> of the pages you see in the editor are implemented in this way.
> Test it. File bugs.
> Cheers,
> Aaron
> [1]
> [2]
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