Wanted to make a couple of suggestions to the current version of Banshee-1. I'm currently using: banshee-1-lang-1.2.1-7.5 banshee-1-backend-platform-unix-1.2.1-7.5 banshee-1-backend-platform-gnome-1.2.1-7.5 banshee-1-1.2.1-7.5 banshee-1-extensions-default-1.2.1-7.5 banshee-1-backend-engine-gstreamer-1.2.1-7.5 1 - Would it be a good idea to somehow mark the name of the artist (in the artist window) for which song is currently playing? And further mark the album (in the album listing) for which album is currently playing. In the attached screen-shot file I've tried to (quite poorly) show what I mean. The artist of the currently playing song is marked in a dashed line. The reason I bring this up is that sometimes I want to quickly get back to my currently playing artist and then the album that belongs to that artist and I always end up having to figure out which artist's song is playing. I want to be able to scroll through the artist listing and catch the marked row which will tell me that this artist is currently playing. 2 - I see there is a 'Jump to Playing Song Ctrl-J' option. This would somewhat help with the problem described in 1 above but it only seems to work when I've currently selected 'All Artists (X)'. Why does this option have no effect when I have selected a particular artist and it's not the currently playing artist? In this case, it should still jump me to the correct currently playing artist and album - right? I hope you can decipher what I mean above :) Thanks,
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