Re: [Banshee-List] How to deactivate autorun for Ipod

julesair wrote:
> Hello!
> Does somebody know how I can deactivate the autostart of banshee when I
> plug-in my Ipod? I'm using Xubuntu and didn't find any settings to achieve
> this. It just annoys me because I use my Ipod mostly as a external
> harddisk...
> jules


I can tell you how you have to do it in Ubuntu. Here you start Nautilus and
select from the Menu Edit>Preferences. Here you will find a tab 'Media'.
Look for the line that says 'Media Player' and select beside it the option
'Do Nothing'. In Xubuntu it should be similar via the X file manager.


In theory there's no difference between theory and practice. In practice,
there is.
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