Re: [Banshee-List] Export function

On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 02:35 -0800, Some user wrote:
> It would be great to see an export function in Banshee.
> Example: I have a large music collection, which consists of MP3s, OGGs,
> FLACs, etc. If I now want to copy music to my MP3-only Mp3-Player then I
> first have to reencode the non-MP3 files manually.
> This would be something Banshee could do, when I am copying/syncing music to
> a device it recognizes...
> (This is not about sound quality. I know converting a lossy format to
> another lossy format isn't a good idea...)
> -----
> -- 
Banshee does that already. Right click on the media player to change the
format it converts to.
Chow Loong Jin

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