Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee cannot play m4a files

2008/5/29 Michael Stroh <mstroh acm org>:
Well, basically I have openSuse 10.3 and I connected my iPod with about 800 songs. Banshee sucked them all up into my home  directory. So almost all these files are m4a and only a few are mp3 files. The mp3 files play okay but the m4a files don't play at all

Are you saying that Bansahee doesn't support this m4a format at all??

No we are saying the codec support is not Banshee' problem but the underlying GStreamer layer. You will need codec packages for your distribution.

Not being a SuSE user I can't say if this is 100% but you need to add the packman repo to get these packages that can't be redistriibuted by SuSE for legal reasons.

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