Re: [Banshee-List] Exceptions when trying to play

Bertrand Lorentz wrote:
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 11:04 +0200, "Andrés G. Aragoneses" wrote:
I'm getting some wierd behaviours with Banshee 1.2 (I cannot play any mp3 at all), so I downloaded trunk and run it (because this way it seems there's better debug info shown in the console) and I get different kind of exceptions, that I'm attaching to this email.
Any ideas of why I may be getting them? Are they bugs? If yes, should
I file them or are they already filed?
Your "exception1.txt" stacktraces look a lot like the one in
Please attach it there, as yours has debug info.

The "exception2.txt" file shows that there's something wrong with one of
your Smart Playlist. Please file a bug and add info if you manage to
track it down.

But those 2 issues are probably unrelated to the fact that you can't
play mp3. Looks like a GStreamer issue :
"GStreamer stream error: Failed"

Can you play mp3 files with another GStreamer-based app ? (Totem for
example). If not, you might need to install additionnal codecs.

Hi Bertrand, thanks for your answer.

1) I attached exception1 to the bug.
2) I'll see if I track it down, but it's wierd because I haven't used SmartPlaylists at all for now. 3) GStreamer: strange, I was able to reproduce all kind of media some days ago, but now I cannot even with Totem. Maybe a packman update broke anything? Any ideas?



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