Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee 1.2.0 - importing m3u playlist(s)

When I try to import an m3u playlist (made in Windows Vista - iTunes export tool), the playlist doesn't show up.

When I open the playlist in text editor, what I see is that the song a referenced by a 'windows-style path' like "C:\paththoMusic\musicfile.mp3". Maybe this is the reason why the playlist doesn't show up?

I was wondering if this is 'normal'? I'm just guessing, but maybe there it is possible to transform these 'windows-paths' to a smb-compatible (or even better?) one...?

Well, I'm not too sure about the way Banshee specifically handles .m3u files, but it definitely won't be able to find any files that have the full windows path named in the file. Before anything will work for you, you'll have to update the .m3u file to either use relative directories, or even better, the full UNIX directory (ie: "/mnt/vista/pathToMusic/musicfile.mp3").
Just change the example to the path that you mount your windows partition onto.

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