[Banshee-List] Working on porting MiniMode to the new codebase


As the previous taker said he won't be able to work on it, I began to
port the MiniMode plugin to the new codebase.

After a few detours (having the MiniMode window inherit from
BaseClientWindow was not a good thing to try...), I got it to compile
and run.

There still are some problems, the biggest one being that the playback
buttons have no icon. They are here and they work, they're just not

Those buttons are created simply like that :
ActionButton playpause_button = new

Can anyone help me figure out why the icons aren't there ?

If you like, I can can put the code I have now in Bugzilla.


Bertrand Lorentz <bertrand lorentz gmail com>
> http://flickr.com/photos/bl8/ <

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