Re: [Banshee-List] Compile (almost) problems

On 24/08/07, Aaron Borden <aaborden eden rutgers edu> wrote:
> For some reason your directory structure is a little off. TagLib is an
> external library and should probably be updated. cd into the TagLib
> source directory and do 'svn up' and it should update TagLib, thus
> adding Ape/Tag.cs

The structure under ext/taglib-sharp (at least in my checkout) is
completely changed from 0.13.0 to 0.13.1.

In 0.13.0, the src files and subdirs are in ext/taglib-sharp/TagLib,
however in 0.13.1, the same files and dirs are in
ext/taglib-sharp/TagLib/src/TagLib. I don't know whether this is an
svn problem or whether it was intentionally changed, but this is what
breaks the build for me.


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