Re: [Banshee-List] About drag-n-drop from ipod into nautilus

Friday 10 of August 2007 19:16:01 Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ] napisał(a):
> And BTW, if we can send to Nautilus the file with a MV operation instead
> of a CP, it makes more sense to use a copy in the first place, instead
> of a link. Besides, think of it if we don't needed the hack and we could
> pass to Nautilus a new name: we wouldn't be able of getting rid of the
> time needed to copy from the iPod to Nautilus. That's a time that is
> necessary to wait, I guess.

It'd copy the original file, but with new name.

And about the waiting - if you'd want to copy the file prior to feeding the 
uri to nautilus, you'd need to:
a) "pick up" the file
b) wait until it's copied
c) drop the file in nautilus.

Imagine that you'd want to copy 1GB of files - you'd need to wait for the data 
to copy before dropping the files into nautilus.

Linking would take a fraction of the time.

Anyways - maybe we'd rather try to hack at the source of the problem - 
Nautilus - or at least make them extend the DnD feature so that it would 
allow for a rename on-the-fly.

Michał Sawicz

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