Re: [Banshee-List] Playlist of unheard podcasts

> I just realized that I could specify just podcasts in a Smart Playlist
> by using "Path Contains podcast" query. This, combined with a plays
> query, allows me to have a playlist of podcasts I've not yet listened
> to yet in a quick and easy view.

I just tried that and noticed I have more podcasts I didn't ever listen 
to than podcasts in general ;)

This seems due to having lost my podcast subscription once, so I 
had to start over with zero podcast, but the downloaded files were
still in the right directory on the hd.

Seeing this it makes me wonder if it could be possible to pick up,
for example already downloaded podcasts from another client or
even podcasts I delete in banshe and then after some time subscribe
again. This would make it possible to "merge" podcast directories,
which would be really cool.

Generally, being able to change the directory podcasts go to would
be nice as a first step.


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