Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee 0.11.0 Released

tir, 19 09 2006 kl. 14:05 -0400, skrev Aaron Bockover:

Many congrats to the team for reaching 0.11.0 in style.

>  * Notification bubbles on track change using libnotify

Did this make it in because the configure script didn't look for
libnotify as far as I noticed.

I'm still working on why 0.11.0 crashes on startup if I build the avahi
plugin (even if it's not set to be loaded), I have a feeling that might
be because Fedora Core 6 currently ships 0.6.11 but if I was out of date
I would have expected the configure script to complain a bit.

Also the following patch might be needed for the plugins package:
 banshee-official-plugins-0.11.0.orig/configure	2006-09-14
04:42:50.000000000 +0200
+++ banshee-official-plugins-0.11.0/configure	2006-09-20
07:05:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -19531,7 +19531,7 @@
 		   eval echo $libdir )`

- David Nielsen

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