[Banshee-List] Integration with NewStuffManager


I'm the author of NewStuffManager
(http://www.k-d-w.org/clipboard/NewStuffManager) and would love to see
banshee using it.

I already did some work. But I got some questions:

- What would be the best to use as an unique id for the plugins. This id
should help unloading and reloading the plugins. Currently, I'm using
plugin.GetType().Module.Name as plugin_id. I have the idea that new
FileInfo( Path.Combine(Paths.UserPluginDirectory, plugin_id) ) could
reload the plugin. Does that actually work?
- Afaik the each plugin hasn't its own version atm (please correct me).
But this would be neccesary to compare versions.

That's all for now.
It would be awesome, if someone could assist me at this.

Sebastian Pölsterl

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