Re: [Banshee-List] Music Sharing plugin

On 5/11/06, Michael Monreal <infernux web de> wrote:
A simple way would be to add a right-click menu to the library (other
sources have such a menu, too) with a toggle option for sharing/not
sharing. I think this belongs here, putting it into the menus would
clutter too much - I already find the menus to be cluttered quite a
bit (why do we need the audioscrobber submenu unter music? why
is the podcast stuff visible when i browse the library? I recently sent
a mail reagarding this to the list bud sadly it seems to be lost)

I think I'd rather see an icon to toggle this option near the shuffle
icon in the lower left corner. I'm not sure what the icon would be,
but maybe an open hand like the one on shared folders in Windows (at
least in the 98 days). Perhaps part of the configuration of the plugin
could be the option to have this icon down there because many people
might not care for it since it never changes for a machine that sits
on a desk connected to the same network all the time.


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