[Banshee-List] Strange behavior with volume changes

Hi all,

While working on the alarm plugin, I noticed that the volume level in
banshee is behaving in a strange way.

Here are some simple steps to reproduce it, without using the alarm
plugin :
1. Set the volume in banshee to a high level, let's say 100%
2. Play a track, it's quite loud
3. Pause the track
4. Change the volume to a low level, let's say 10%
5. Resume the track

Now, you'd expect banshee to be nice and quiet, but the track is played
for about a second at 100% volume, then goes to 10%.
Now put that together with the alarm plugin, and you'll have quite a
brutal awakening...

With Trick's help, I figured out that this behavior was introduced by
the changes in libbanshee/gst-playback-0.10.c from rev. 1.12 to 1.13 :
using rev. 1.12, the volume behaves "normally".
These changes have something to do with the gstreamer pipeline, but it's
way over my head...

So, to you, gstreamer gurus :
- Is the behavior I'm describing what's expected ?
- If yes, how could we work around that for the alarm plugin ?

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Bertrand <bertrand lorentz free fr>

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