Re: [Banshee-List] A few things... (and you guys rock)

Patrick, I've got a VMWare image of Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy I could de-personalize for you or you might even try the Live CD. In addition, I would be more than happy to make any kind of inspection of my system or run any kinds of steps to help debug the problem.


On 7/28/06, Patrick van Staveren <trick vanstaveren us> wrote:

I've had so many reports of this exact problem (the DllNotFound
exception) that i'm going crazy.  I'm going to install a ubuntu box
just to test this myself as I've never seen the issue on my system.

As for the view menu being moved...if I remember right, this has
something to do with some of the menu changes in head...and plugins
might not be doing it right.  I actually believe that the WP plugin is
at fault on this one :)  I will look into it!



Patrick "Trick" van Staveren

----- Message from mattisking gmail com ---------
     Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 01:54:46 -0400
     From: Matt Philmon <mattisking gmail com>
Reply-To: banshee-list gnome org
  Subject: [Banshee-List] A few things... (and you guys rock)
       To: banshee-list gnome org

> First of all... Aaron, and the rest of you guys... you rock. This latest
> from SVN is just incredible.
> Here's a few things I felt best to just lump in one email:
> 1) I've never been able to get the wikipedia plugin to run on Ubuntu. I'm
> running Edgy now but I have the same problems with Dapper. It compiles and
> installs fine, I enable it, and then click to View it, but an error is
> always thrown. Here's what's happening on the terminal for a short session:
> $ banshee
> Debug: [7/28/2006 1:40:30 AM] (Default player engine) - GStreamer 0.10
> Debug: [7/28/2006 1:40:31 AM] (Audio CD Core Initialised) -
> Initializing Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.WikipediaPlugin
> Audioscrobbler starting protocol engine
> Warning: [7/28/2006 1:40:31 AM] (Could not initialize plugin `Daap') -
> Daemon not running
> Loading Podcast Feeds:  155 ms
> NameOwnerChanged org.gnome.Banshee ->:1.25
> System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type
> initializer for Gecko.WebControl ---> System.DllNotFoundException:
> /usr/lib/firefox/
>  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gecko.WebControl:gtk_moz_embed_get_type ()
>  at Gecko.WebControl.get_GType () [0x00000]
>  at GtkSharp.GeckoSharp.ObjectManager.Initialize () [0x00000]
>  at Gecko.WebControl..cctor () [0x00000] --- End of inner exception stack
> trace ---
>  at <0x00000> <unknown method>
>  at Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.ContextBrowser.InitBrowser () [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.ContextBrowser..ctor () [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.ContextPane.InitGui () [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.ContextPane..ctor () [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.QueryController..ctor () [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.WikipediaPlugin.ShowWikipedia (
> Banshee.Base.TrackInfo info) [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.WikipediaPlugin.OnPlayerEngineEventChanged (
> System.Object o, Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineEventArgs args) [0x00000]
>  at (wrapper delegate-invoke)
> System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_PlayerEngineEventArgs (object,
> Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineEventArgs)
>  at (wrapper delegate-invoke)
> System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_PlayerEngineEventArgs (object,
> Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineEventArgs)
>  at Banshee.Base.PlayerEngineCore.OnEngineEventChanged (System.Object o,
> Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineEventArgs args) [0x00000]
>  at (wrapper delegate-invoke)
> System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_PlayerEngineEventArgs (object,
> Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineEventArgs)
>  at Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngine.RaiseEventChanged (PlayerEngineEvent
> evnt, System.String message, Double bufferingPercent) [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngine.OnEventChanged (PlayerEngineEvent
> evnt, System.String message, Double bufferingPercent) [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngine.OnEventChanged (PlayerEngineEvent
> evnt) [0x00000]
>  at Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngine.HandleOpen (Banshee.Base.SafeUri uri)
> [0x00000]
> Error: [7/28/2006 1:41:46 AM] (Playback Error) - An exception was thrown by
> the type initializer for Gecko.WebControl
> Audioscrobbler stopping protocol engine
> Ignore the daemon thing for the moment... I didn't purge that package when I
> uninstalled it from Ubuntu before installing this build. The stuff about the
> missing DLL exception (heh) is not true... is where it's
> supposed to be, /usr/lib/firefox/ and I do have gecko-sharp-2.0 installed.
> 2) What is the "scope" plugin? I got it out of curiousity but that's never
> worked for me either:
> $ banshee
> Debug: [7/28/2006 1:42:32 AM] (Default player engine) - GStreamer 0.10
> Debug: [7/28/2006 1:42:32 AM] (Audio CD Core Initialised) -
> Initializing Banshee.Plugins.Wikipedia.WikipediaPlugin
> Audioscrobbler starting protocol engine
> Warning: [7/28/2006 1:42:33 AM] (Could not initialize plugin `Daap') -
> Daemon not running
> Loading Podcast Feeds:  143 ms
> NameOwnerChanged org.gnome.Banshee ->:1.26
> Warning: [7/28/2006 1:42:48 AM] (Could not initialize plugin `Scope') -
> libscopeplugin
> Audioscrobbler stopping protocol engine
> 3) I've seen, so far, one interesting thing in this CVS build running since
> Aaron's post about all the new goodness: Twice I've seen the View menu move
> to first place in the list of menu items between runs. Once there, it's
> there until I shut it down and run it again. It doesn't hamper me, but it's
> a rather minor bug all the same.
> Once again, this release is gonna really rock hard.
> Matt Philmon

----- End message from mattisking gmail com -----

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