Re: [Banshee-List] iTunes, banshee and DAAP

> I am running banshee on computer 1 (FC 5, banshee from cvs), together
> with an openvpn-server. I am connected to it from computer 2 (Win XP,
> iTunes 6.0.5) over openvpn. I can telnet from computer 2 to computer 1,
> port 3689. But iTunes does not find the share from banshee. The XP
> firewall is turned off, no firewall on the linux machine. The other way
> round (iTunes share in banshee) is also not visible.

This is something I wanted to have, too... but is mdns really supposed to 
work over a vpn? I think that won't work, but please, prove me wrong and
tell me what I have to do to get it working =)


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