Re: [Banshee-List] ID3v2 Mess

Version 0.10.10 and below use entagged-sharp and CVS uses gstreamer.
Both only for reading. No changes are made to the ID3 tags by Banshee.
The "edit metadata" dialog is for modifying the tracks entery in the

On 7/15/06, Gray Yoga <grayyoga gmail com> wrote:
What library banshee uses to write the metadata information into the audio
files(in particular mp3). For reading it uses the entagged-sharp but whether
it writes something when I press save in the "edit metadata" dialog, and by
what means? Sorry, but I haven't found the writing code in the
entagged-sharp and thats why I wonder what is the use of the "edit metadata"

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Luke Hoersten

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