Re: [Banshee-List] file management plugin

There is already something similar in Banshee. If you go to your
settings and have banshee copy music files into banshee music folder
when importing, this should organize them for you. I just set my
Banshee music folder location to my actual already-organized music
folder location and then all other imports get organized

The question that I have is that after musicbrainz plugin changes the
database id3 info, does that get reflected in the file organization?

-Luke Hoersten

On 8/28/06, Michael Quinn <mikeq wam umd edu> wrote:
I was just wondering if anybody has been working on a plugin to
automatically arrange the music files in your library directory.  It
would rename files and arrange them on your filesystem by genre, artist,
etc.  Similar to how iTunes can, but with more flexibility.  I'd like to
write one but I don't want to duplicate effort.

-Mike Quinn

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Luke Hoersten

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