Re: [Banshee-List] Child source v0.3 (now 0.5)


So I found a bug in 0.5 today when you try to create playlist by
dragging. The problem pops up when you try to drop the selection into
the "New Playlist" row and there is another source below the music

Something like:

    * Music Library
        + Other playlist
        + New playlist <= HERE
    * Music Store
    * Lukas' iPod

What happens is that OnDragMotion the "New Playlist" row is created.
After that, when you drop the selection onto it, OnDragLeave gets called
at first! This is totally fucking absurdal[1], because in there we
destroy the "New Playlist" row. After we have done all of this
OnDragDataReceived is finally called. Here we try to get the row under
the cursor, but since the "New Playlist" row is long gone, we just get
the next row after it (that would be Music Store in the example above).

So much for the miracles in GTK-Wonderland! I just thought I would share
my fun with you. :-)


[1] MDK's words: Line 249

On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 13:03 +0200, Lukas Lipka wrote:
> Thanks! That took care of it. I'm reposting an updated patch which
> should make everyone happy!
> Best,
> Lukas

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