[Banshee-List] banshee dies on launch with ipod plugged in

platform: ubuntu breezy.
ipod: ipod mini 6G

banshee simply won't start when i have the ipod plgged in. i was looking
forwards to seeing how well banshee handles and ipod, but alas, cannot.
form teh command line, this is what i get:

sjoeboo vader ~ $ banshee
0: Active Player Engine is now 'GStreamer'
1: Loaded PlayerEngine core: GStreamer
2: Loaded AudioCdPlayerEngine core: GStreamer
3: Audio CD Core Initialized

Unhandled Exception: IPod.DatabaseReadException: Detected unsupported
database version 14
in <0x001b7> IPod.DatabaseRecord:Read (IPod.DatabaseRecord db,
System.IO.BinaryReader reader)
in <0x0010e> IPod.SongDatabase:Reload ()
in <0x000b2> IPod.SongDatabase:.ctor (IPod.Device device)
in <0x00033> IPod.Device:get_SongDatabase ()
in [0x00023] (at /build/buildd/banshee-
Banshee.IpodSource:Refresh ()
in [0x00039] (at /build/buildd/banshee-
Banshee.IpodSource:.ctor (IPod.Device device)
in [0x000b8] (at /build/buildd/banshee-
Banshee.SourceView:RefreshList ()
in [0x00139] (at /build/buildd/banshee-
Banshee.SourceView:.ctor ()
in [0x0025d]
(at /build/buildd/banshee-
Banshee.PlayerUI:BuildWindow ()
in [0x00066]
(at /build/buildd/banshee-
Banshee.PlayerUI:.ctor ()in [0x0010d]
(at /build/buildd/banshee-
Banshee.BansheeEntry:Main (System.String[] args)

any ideas?


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