Re: Confusing version information?

Hi Peter!

Am 30.04.20 20:41 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
Oops--looks like something went wrong when I merged the gmime3 branch into master. I've fixed the build files 
( and meson build). So builds not-from-git should be ok.

But the "2.6.0" tag might also have been lost: "git describe" shows "2.5.10-…". It's in the repo, but not in 
master's history, I suppose. So building from-git will still show the wrong version (until a 2.6.1 release and tag).

Thanks a lot for fixing!  I also noted that the README mentioned the wrong version number and GMime 
requirement; as it was a minimalistic change, I took the freedom to push the change without a merge request.


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