Re: [Patch] fix broken decryption of s/mime messages loaded from imap

Am 08.02.19 18:52 schrieb(en) Albrecht Dreß:
After digging through the code, I /think/ the problem is in libbalsa_mailbox_imap_fetch_structure() which 
loads only text/* and short messages completely (to be honest, I don't understand why multipart/* is working, 
though…).  At least, the attached trivial patch, just loading single-part S/MIME messages just as text/*, 
solves the issue for me.

Thinking again about this issue, I guess this approach is not completely correct.  If all multipart/* 
messages are handled at some other place (are they?), shouldn't *all* other top-level content types be loaded 
here?  The vast majority will (explicitly or implicitly) be text/*, and application/pkcs7-mime is already 
somewhat special.  But a message containing only a, say image/* or application/pdf as the only payload is 
absolutely legal (although I saw the latter with malspam attacks only…).

Thus, the more appropriate approach would be

diff --git a/libbalsa/mailbox_imap.c b/libbalsa/mailbox_imap.c
index d85e377c1..2ba010b43 100644
--- a/libbalsa/mailbox_imap.c
+++ b/libbalsa/mailbox_imap.c
@@ -2247,7 +2247,7 @@ libbalsa_mailbox_imap_fetch_structure(LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox,
        LIBBALSA_MESSAGE_GET_LENGTH(message)<8192 ||
        (message->headers &&
         (!message->headers->content_type ||
-         g_mime_content_type_is_type(message->headers->content_type, "text", "*"))) ){
+         !g_mime_content_type_is_type(message->headers->content_type, "multipart", "*")))) {
         /* we could optimize this part a little bit: we do not need to
          * keep reopening the stream. */
         GMimeStream *stream =

wouldn't it?


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