ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.5.2 released

Hello everybody,

balsa-2.5.2 has been released. I have not realised it has been 2 years since the preceeding release! Time flies...

This release is an outcome of tireless Peter Bloomfield's work, who has been updating the code to keep it up to date with gtk and other library changes. The list is too long to include here! Albrecht Dreß contributed printing improvements, Delievery Status Notification changes, clang build, and made sure that balsa does not try to use unsecure SSLv3 any more.

You can download balsa-2.5.2 directly from

$ sha256sum balsa-2.5.2.tar.bz2
01218dd8cb2c052c2d221d96e4ef5e277271befb2b50bbf4913223913214d21d balsa-2.5.2.tar.bz2

Enjoy mailing!

Best wishes,

Pawel Salek

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