Re: New question on address list in compose window

On 06/18/2013 12:10:30 PM Tue, Jack wrote:
It will take me some time to try the version you mentioned in the previous response to see if that is good 
enough.  I have not done any gtk programming in years, so I'm just not currently familiar enough with the 
widget set to suggest anything else at the moment.  I'm tempted to say that if the attachments are moved 
above the subject, then losing vertical alignment between subject and the other fields might be OK, as the  
others (from, recipients, attachments) can still stay together and aligned.

The problem is that if the recipients and the attachments are in separate panes, it's hard to keep them 
aligned.  I tried nesting another GtkPaned with the attachments in the bottom pane, and in addition to losing 
the alignment, the initial allocation to each part gets too small.  If someone can figure it out, a patch 
would be welcome!

I also just noticed that if you add an attachment, and then delete it, the attachment list does not go away.  
That is not a problem - I just wanted to be sure it was intentional.

Yes, it's intentional: if nothing has ever been attached, it seems reasonable to hide the attachment list, but if you 
attach some objects and then remove them all, having an empty but visible list seems like a good reminder that maybe 
you wanted to attach something.  Couldn't tell you how many times I've sent an email "attaching" something 
but forgotten to actually attach it; I'd be more embarrassed if I were the only one :)


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