Re: Gtk3 branch news


> On 06/13/2012 01:02:46 PM Wed, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
> > Balsa's gtk3 branch has seen some recent work to move calls to Gtk methods out of subthreads and into the main thread. 
> Those changes led to thread-locking issues that have no obvious solution. They have been reverted, […]

I suppose this refers to the problems I reported back in June and

Anyway, it led me to have a fresh look at the issues, and
hurray!, I discovered something: Disabling the configure option
"--with-ssl" appears to be the root of all evil. For when I checkout a git commit from the beginning of July* and build it "--with-ssl", the thread-locking does not occur. Also, the most recent commit runs fine "--with-ssl", while with SSL disabled it keeps asking for my IMAP password for one account, while another account fails to load silently. For the record, I can still reproduce the thread-locking with the old commit and SSL disabled.
  (randomly picked)

More concisely put:
 – July + no SSL = thread-locking
 – July + SSL = OK
 – most recent + no SSL = connections fail, program does not crash
 – most recent + SSL = OK

The reason that I built balsa without SSL support in the first place
was that it was disabled by default and apparently I didn't have a close
enough look at the configure options. Should SSL be enabled by default,

By the way, a hint to this was right in our face: The IMAP log in the
very first message I posted in June (link above) contains the line:
IMAP S: 2 NO [ALERT] This user account is configured to require that  
all IMAP sessions be connected over SSL.

Maybe this helps figuring out the thread-locking mystery? I am happy to
help with further testing.


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