Balsa is great for small screen devices (netbooks)

Dear Balsa developers (and users),

I started using Balsa on my netbook some days ago, and I am delighted! With the foldertree, the display and header lines and the status bar turned off (which is easy), Balsa is just fabulous for my small screen. Also the identity management is very clean and I like some other stuff, but the suitability for small screens beats it all. In my opinion, Balsa could be specifically advertised as being suited for small screens.

I have not completely got the hang of keyboard navigation in Balsa, though. Is there documentation for that? Are all functions accessible by keyboard at all? In particular I am looking for a keyboard command to switch between mailbox tabs in the main view (I use them rather than the folder tree for navigation as they take less space).

Thanks for this app, and thanks for any assistance!

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