Re: Debug smtp?

On 2011.08.15 17:47, Jack wrote:
Good afternoon,

I have actually gotten balsa 2.4.10 compiled under cygwin (with many cygports packages) and I've got receiving mail (pop3 from working, but sending is failing silently. I've tried balsa -d, but this doesn't seem to show anything for the smtp connection, only for the inbound pop3. Is there an option I've missed, or does this need to be a wish-list item?
(Once I get this working, I have lots of other questions regarding  
problems with the cygwin version - but I suspect I really need to  
post most of those to the cygwinports list rather than here.)
Well, hunting through old email (last November) I found a suggestion to  
use port 587 instead of 465, and it works.  However, I'm still  
interested if there is a way to debug outgoing smtp connections?

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